My wife stumbled upon this quote from Mother Theresa yesterday. "It's not about how much you do, but how much love you put into doing that matters."
I think each of us in life is yearning for signficance. We want to be remembered for doing something great and grand...we want to leave a legacy of awesomeness!!
My cousin Lance has a son named Coleman. Coleman lives with his mom and step-dad in BC. During one of his summer visits, we had a family BBQ at my parents house. Coleman was the only kid at the party at the time (this was pre-father days for long ago!!), so I decided that I was going to be his best buddy. I played lego with him for 2 hours. We laughed, we yelled, we wrestled...and well, we just plain had fun. Because Coleman lives in BC I don't get to see him much. Lance's parents keep in contact with him often, and every time they talk to Coleman, he asks about me. He wants to spend time with me.
I can't help but think that this quote summarizes my interaction with Coleman. Coleman doesn't remember everything we did together, but he remembers how it was was done in love.
It kind of makes me think about how I will be remembered by others. I know this is how I remember Jesus...not necessarily for all that He did, but how He did it...He did it for love. It's funny how our love can be so easily tainted by our quest for greatness. Sure, we might get a lot accomplished, but if the doing isn't saturated in the love of Christ, then what good is there in what has been done? At one time I think I might have said that the 'to-do' list was of utmost value, but I'm not so sure I would any longer. So here's hoping that my doing is rooted and grounded in the love of the more tainted love for me please!!
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