There is so much emphasis placed on the destination portion of a
journey. When we book a flight, our end goal is where we are heading, but not necessarily
how we are getting there. Most flights end up needing a layover of some kind,
meaning that we end up spending a significant amount of time in a different
place than where we would rather be.
I'm starting to
think if the same can be said about life in general.
All of us have
goals...things we'd like to accomplish during our existence. Some of our goals
may be very noble, while others might pretty much be self-seeking. Regardless
of where the orientation or motivation for our goals lie, what is certain is
that we have become fascinated with where we are going, and less enchanted with
how we might get there.
The stories
contained in the Bible fascinate me. I find great meaning, truth and hope in
reading through the journey of others. In particular, I find myself becoming
captivated by the unfolding story of the nation of Israel, which is a prominent
plot line for this sacred text.
The nation of
Israel were said to be God's chosen people...set apart from the rest of
humankind for a specific purpose and reason. These people were invited to
embark upon a God-initiated, God-directed, God-envisioned journey. Their
journey began with a man known as Abram (later on in the story changing his
name to Abraham), who was invited by God to embark upon an adventure...leaving
his home is search of something greater than He could ever imagine. The story
continues with Abram's descendants, Jacob, Joseph, and others, with each of
these characters playing a key role in the unfolding story of their emerging
nation. In Moses, we find a character that is charged with the task of leading
this nation of Israel into a long ago promised land. As a people, the
culmination of generations worth of hope was coming to fruition as this new
nation stood to gain from the promise of their Creator and Guide. Yet I have
begun to wonder if the apex in the story, the aforementioned Promised Land, is
simply a link in the chain of adventure rather than a destination that defines
When we reach a
goal, have we finally arrived, or have we come to the emerging conclusions that
many more goals lie ahead on the horizon? The future is always in motion, but
the past has now become static. Perhaps life is more about motion than it is
about destination. The moment we feel like we have finally arrived may be the moment
where we recognize that the journey has just begun.