Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hey Jealousy

Have you ever wondered why we fall victim to jealousy so easily? I mean if there is something that has absolutely no positive aspect to anything it is pursuing jealousy.

Jealousy leads to anger, and anger to hatred...and it's a slippery slope, that's for sure.

I've found myself thinking the most selfish thoughts as I've let my heart and mind be filled with jealousy and anger towards others. I've even caught myself engaging in activities that encourage my jealousy to flourish instead of diminish.

So why is that? Why can't we simply celebrate the successes of others instead of longing for our own moments of glory and recognition? The sad reality is that we even do this in church. We become jealous of another faith community because of what is happening in and through this part of the body of Christ; wishing all the while the part we may be connected to would be experiencing similar or greater growth.

So what do we do in the face of jealousy? We end up seeking to sabotage the people, the group or the movement of which we have become jealous. Jealousy drove the Pharisees to try and discredit Jesus. Jealousy will motivate you and I to do similar things.

Jealousy doesn't belong in any sort of healthy relationship. I honestly believe that the only way to rid ourselves and the world of jealousy is to practice love as described in 1 Corinthians 13, while learning to fix our eyes on the bigger picture of life instead of becoming bogged down with the details that only our human eyes can see.

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