Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I'm a Dad...and it's ALL good

I remember the very first time I found out I was going to be a father. My wife Bonny had just taken a pregnancy test and we were sitting the doctor's office to confirm our hunch. I was filled with excitement, awe, wonder...and a little bit of fear.

Questions like, "would I be a good father" and "how am I going to support another person" raced through my mind at an alarming rate.

Then the day came when I met my child for the very first time...our precious daughter Saydie. I remember snuggling her and giving her her very first kiss. I remember promising her that I would love her, care for her and do my best to be a good dad. This same life-changing experience was repeated in unique ways as we welcomed our sons Cannon & Deklon into the family over time as well.

I haven't written much this summer cause I've been spending a lot of time just being a dad. But it occurred to me that conversations about dads aren't always positive, so I wanted to change that. I'm going to experiment with beginning to write about what I see dads doing right, celebrating people while intending to inspire readers towards hope. If you know a dad who needs some support, or have a story of someone who is doing something awesome, let's celebrate it together!

Post it. Share it.

I don't know much, but I do know something...I'm a Dad and it's ALL good. So here's to dads!

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