Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Adventure #2 - fun for free

A home is something that invites people to be who they are, to rest and to try new things. Creating fun and adventure is a challenge when you are faced with limited resources and budget constraints. Those that know me know that I love a great deal, so hear are some of my favourite stay at home adventures you can create for families...even if your kids are older, it just takes a little time to warm them up to the idea.

1. Inside Dodgeball
Remember hearing your mom say don't play catch in the house? Well...why not? What not break the rules sometimes and create some unexpected fun with a soft foam ball. Indoor playground games can cause a ton of laughter...trust me...

2. Forts for sleeping
Make bedtime fun and unexpected by changing things up. Why not sleep in a fort?

3. Hide and Seek
It's an old game I know, but once again...why not? Enjoy the invitation of spontaneity and fun by doing something you normally wouldn't do. Get over yourself and get creative!

4. Family Cookouts
Invite every member of your family to help prepare a meal together. You can put each person in charge of a particular element for the meal, or decide to work on everything together. Watch your connection grow and you work together towards a common goal and mission as a family.

5. Dress-up
Be a kid. Have fun. Do theme based dinners as a family, or run errands in a costume. Adventure is out there; sometimes you just need to help create it.

6. The Pet Store
It's fun, it's free and you can pretend for hours to be owners of all sorts of different pets.

7. Parks & Recreation
Go play on a playground, throw rocks in some water or take a good old fashioned walk as a family.

8. Lego
Are you a master builder? Have a family contest to see who can build the most creative lego based structure.

These are some of my favourite fun for free ideas. What would you add to my list?

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A Little Something from Psalm 8

 Had a lot of fun with this one.