Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Touch of Love

Today Bonny & I received a letter from our sponsored Compassion child, Deborah. Deborah lives in Ghana, and she has been in our family for almost a year now. Her birthday is March 26, the same day we found out about our son Cannon. We sent her some birthday money through Compassion in order for her to celebrate. As we read her letter to us, we started to it, she wrote to us that she has never been able to celebrate her birthday before. With the money we sent for her, she purchased new school books, a new book bag and some canvas for her family. Compassion workers also came buy with cookies and juice and sang to her...

What struck us was not only that Deborah has never celebrated her birthday before, but what she chose to buy and the heart of the compassion workers. When I think about it, the least of my concern is getting new materials for school and what not. With my 'disposable' income, I buy things like slurpees, CDs, movies and hot chocolate or pepsi. We've got so much, and having Deborah in our lives reminds us of what our priorities really need to be about...serving and giving to others.

The cool thing about Compassion is that every ministry that they have is run out of a local church. In other words, local communities of faith do the serving, loving, educating and caring for these children. How cool that parts of the body of Christ are choosing to be love in action in their local ministry context??

1 comment:

  1. Compassion is such a great organization. We have a little girl in indonesia with them. Her name is Merlin. :)We just sent her birthday card of too.


A Little Something from Psalm 8

 Had a lot of fun with this one.