Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Best of You

It's been awhile since I posted something new on the blog. Sorry for the delay. I've been thinking a lot about this theme lately...the best of you. One of my favorite bands, The Foo Fighters, penned a song by this very name, and it offers us a viewpoint of this theme from a creative standpoint. If you haven't heard it before, check it out:

Foo Fighters - The Best of You

As humans, we are drawn to relationship. I think this is a key question for us to ask of and in each of the relational connections we have: Are we giving the best of us to the other person? I cannot speak for anyone else other than myself, but I know that I am someone who is drawn to value task over relationship. How this plays out in my life is that I am more focused on accomplishing things than I am just being with people. I tend to see relationships from a task-oriented perspective. I am, however, learning to grow in this area of my life. The key for me is considering what I am offering people when I am with them? Am I simply connecting them because I need or want something from them, or am I willing to offer them a piece of who I am, while also acknowledging who they are?

If you look at the life of Jesus and the interactions He had with people, He always gave His best to others. Sometimes we think giving our best means reaching a certain level of conversation of articulating a deep felt emotion to others. I think giving our best to others is simply about being fully present in the moment. What I mean is that instead of letting our mind wander towards other things, or rushing from one place to the next, we are willing to fully engage another person in conversation and offer to them a listening ear and a willingness to be there with them. Jesus was a master at this relational approach. He loved to asks questions, and He always took time to connect with the other person, no matter who they were.

Are you willing to give you best to others? It's something that I'm working on in my life, and I hope these pieces of my story will inspire you in your own journey of becoming who God has created you to be.

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