Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 3 - Jr. High MTO Highlights

Today marked the first day of full ministry engagement on our team. We sent groups of students & volunteer leaders to work with impoverished kids, shut-in seniors, and a variety of social justice oriented ministries throughout Vancouver's famous East Hastings area.

Our team was bombarded with images, emotions, smells and questions as they processed everything they saw, heard and experienced. One of our youth summarized his experience with this statement: "Today was life changing; I'm not sure how yet, but I know after seeing and experiencing life in this setting I will be different."

This quote sums up a lot of what our youth and adults are experiencing on this year's MTO. We hope to continue to hear more stories of life change as the days continue on. One thing is certain: our team has encountered and experienced God in new ways in just a few short days. My prayer for them is that they would continue to wrestle with the question 'Now what?' The answer to this will not only change their lives, but I truly believe will shape and change our world for the better in and through Jesus both now and in the future.

Tomorrow we head out to our ministry sites again, but will also pause to celebrate the baptism of 5 students in the Pacific ocean in the evening. Pray that God's voice would be the most dominant voice in the lives of our team in the coming days, months and years ahead. The entire purpose of this MTO is to expose people to God's presence in a fresh way. The challenge is helping our youth and adults create a vocabulary and a lifestyle based on their God encounter.

I can't wait for what tomorrow will bring!


  1. Sounds like God is doing some amazing things Jason. Isn't it awesome to see God's hand at work in ways we could not anticipate?! Be blessed, praying for you and the team. Jeff

  2. Give the kids a hug for me and tell Erin I am so proud of her for the step of faith she is taking today. My buttons are busting for her, and I know God is well pleased with each of them for putting Him front and centre in their live today. Love you all - Maureen

  3. Praying for you all, give a hug to Talitha from her mum and tell her I miss her!!


A Little Something from Psalm 8

 Had a lot of fun with this one.